Lessons from Slicing

I feel like I have learned so much through this experience. I have learned about myself as a person, a wife, a mother, a literacy coach, and a writer.

I’ve learned that it’s important to take time out to think and reflect on what’s happening around me. I’ve found that writing about something makes me feel like I have more control over situations where I have anything but. I’ve also found that sometimes a comment from a stranger (or a friend) can bring a smile to my face.

I’ve learned that my husband is pretty amazing. I knew that before I started blogging, but there have been many moments where that has been reaffirmed throughout this challenge. I often started to write about some of these moments, but many were just too personal to share.

I’ve learned that I am the mother of a energetic, charismatic, adorable, and sometimes trouble-making little boy. He is an amazing little bug that I love more than anything in the world. I can’t wait to see how he continues to grow and become a big brother. I’ve also found that writing about his antics on a blog is so much more enjoyable than filling in a baby book. Maybe instead of starting finishing his baby book, I can blog about his many firsts. Even if no one else reads it, someday I’ll be able to show it to his future wife and say, “He always liked peeing in the tub.”

I’ve learned that writing about literacy coaching is harder than I thought. I try my best to keep strict confidentiality with my teachers. So many times, I’ve started to write about a coaching experience just to realize that I was definitely giving too much information. I had originally started this blog with the plan to continue to write about literacy coaching after the SOL challenge. My plan has shifted slightly. I plan to try to write about literacy ideas and reflections, but maybe not coaching directly. We’ll see how it all shakes out.

I’ve learned that I like writing. I might even more than like it. I don’t think we’re in love territory yet. But we’re certainly getting there. Maybe with a few more late nights and seed ideas our relationship will grow. Fingers crossed.

One thought on “Lessons from Slicing

  1. Jaana says:

    Love how you describe your relationship with writing: “Maybe with a few more late nights and seed ideas our relationship will grow.” So glad you joined us on this journey! Come back on Tuesdays!


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